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The Rookie Dad

When we found out GJ and I are going to be parents I thought I saw him scared for the first time. He was worrying will we be ever good parents especially him as a father. First of all with all honesty I thought he's going to be a fabulous dad, so to make him confident I re-assured him everything will be fine and bought him his first pregnancy book, Pregnancy for men, which apparently made him more interested into the stages and development of my pregnancy. And now as we live in an increasingly busy world, the time for causal conversations has almost been forgotten or shall we say almost lost. So much of life and what our options might be we learn from our talks with friends, families, peers, colleagues and especially dads, we are grateful to have friends like Dominic and Vova to guide and walk him through fatherhood.

My Rookie dad is really doing well these days, his been extremely into every bits of my pregnancy, from my first to the last scan and he wants to be updated to every bits and bobs of my appointments (obviously he cannot be there all the time due to work).

One is that when men become fathers they are challenged by the profound change in their life. I know this was true for some (seeing most new dads). And I thought this dad thing would be easy…oh wow! It was much more complicated than I thought or understood! Most new dads are very uncertain about to expect after their baby is born and although , this is completely normal (I just hope it is)…it is difficult to tolerate the new uncertainty of life.

If you’re like most new or expectant dads, you’re probably carrying around some silent assumptions about what it means to be a father. Those ideas are rooted in your experiences with your own father and in what you believe society expects of a male parent. Unfortunately, few resources exist to help men address these issues or put common myths to the test. Yet the more you examine and understand your unspoken expectations of fatherhood, the better chance you have of becoming the parent you want to be.

Perhaps the biggest myth of all is that there’s only one definition of a “good father.” But fatherhood is not a fixed entity. You have the power to craft your own version to meet your needs and the needs of your family — and you can do it over time. From pregnancy through the first three years of parenthood, men change and develop a unique identity as a father.

But as for my rookie dad, I won't expect too much from him, he should learn to walk before running, there is no such thing as perfection in parenthood i guess every milestone in parenthood is a learning process and that The Rookie parents should help each other.

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